Theseus is a new Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Center located in the center of Athens city, addressing both inpatients and outpatients and with sole objective the maximization of the functional recovery, physical independence and substantially improved quality of life for people with musculoskeletal or neurological disorders, patients recovering after major surgery or individuals with temporary or permanent disabilities.
Scientific support and foundations for a quality life
THESEUS Rehabilitation Center provides high quality health and nursing services for people facing health or functionality issues. Whether in or out-patients, THESEUS has the infrastructure and the scientific knowledge to receive all the diseases of the nervous, skeletal, muscular, circulatory and respiratory systems.
Objective – Mission
The aim of Theseus is to restore the quality of life of the patient in a safe and pleasant environment, with the expertise and prestige given both from the scientific team, consisting of experienced and reputable partners, as well as from the modern facilities and equipment that our Center provides. Our mission is to offer quality services, focused on the real needs of each patient, for the best possible reintegration into everyday life.
Our people are available at all times not only for the patients themselves but also for their relatives and family members, for a first discussion/meeting, by appointment, to analyze the provided treatments and to guide and tour the Carers around the Center facilities in order to show and elaborate on equipment and all of the latest technologies available.
Occupational Therapy
Speech Therapy
Therapeutic Exercise
Psychological support
Music Therapy*
Tai Chi*
*subject to group formations
Armakola Filomeni
Scientific Director
Graduated from the School of Medicine, University of Milan, and received the specialty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at KAT Hospital. She has an MSc from the Medical School of Athens on “Metabolic Bone Diseases”, specializing in Medical Acupuncture, and is a PhD candidate at the Athens Medical School. Trained in electrophysiological hospital laboratory at KAT where he worked as Curator B. She executed as a Scientific Director at SBAHC Hospital KSA Riyadh for two years in the units of spinal cord injury and stroke where she coordinated successfully the process of international certifications CARF and JCI. Participates in International and Greek Conferences, worked as a researcher in international studies Phase 3 – neurological patients with multiple (MS). She participated in the writing team of “Rehabilitation Patient with Damage or Spinal Cord -from damage reintegration”, Kostantaras Editions. Member of Greek and foreign Scientific Companies, member of the Neurology Department EEFIAP, and a founding member of the Greek Academy Iamatiki Medicine. She is fluent in English, French, Italian.
Kalabokis Vasilios
Internist and Critical Care Specialist
A graduate of the University Medical School ” Carol Davilla ”, completed his specialization in Special Pathology and then specialized in intensive care – the ICU. He was the Scientific Director of the Pathology Department of the ” Lamia Clinic” while in parallel he held the positions of the Head Physician of the Rehabilitation and Recovery Centre and the Head of the Dialysis Unit of the Clinic. Clinical Research Associate of Chronic Diseases for many years, and a Volunteer Physician at several Immigration Centers. He has rich Scientific Work with active participation in international and Greek scientific conferences and publications.
Doukas Antonis
Physiotherapist MT
Graduated with Honors (SSF scholarship) from the ATEI, Physiotherapy Department. He made his internship in neurological patients at the National Rehabilitation Institute, and PMR (neuromuscular Physiotherapy) of TEI. He has specialized in a series of seminars (5 years) in Manual Therapy, Therapeutical Exercise, Pain Management, Dry Needle. He worked at the Medical Center of Athens and was a Scientific Director of Physiotherapy Center in Athens since 2008. Responsible for the coordination of rehabilitation and hydrotherapy at the City of Athens DNA programs. He has participated in numerous research projects and conferences. He is a member of the Scientific Committee of sports physiotherapy department PSV.